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I Thank My God Always

I Thank My God Always

The Christmas season is my happy time of year. I want Thanksgiving to come and go so that all we have to think about is Christmas. I love the lights, shopping, music, church programs, movies, and anything associated with Christmas! I feel like the Christmas season carries through New Year’s Day, and then 3-4 weeks into January things start to feel different. In NW Ohio, the weather is cold. The sky is gray for weeks on end. The thrill and excitement of Christmas is now just a memory, seemingly memories of the past. This can cause my outlook to become negative and discouraging. My mood can become one of fatigue and cynicism. I can forget to be grateful and thankful because I am so focused on myself and the circumstances that I find myself in. Have you ever felt this way?

The Apostle Paul is going to address the Corinthian church for sinful living. They just aren’t living the life the Lord would be honored with. The circumstances could have discouraged Paul. They could have affected him in a negative way, but instead, Paul starts the Epistle of 1 Corinthians being thankful. How can a person be thankful when life is difficult? How can a person be thankful when people they love have disappointed them? How can a person be thankful when the circumstances they are facing seem uncertain and dreary? Paul was able to be thankful because he turned his attention to God. In 1 Corinthians 1:4 Paul says, “I thank my God always…”

What did Paul thank God for?

1. The Grace of God

1 Corinthians 1:4 I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given by Jesus Christ.

2. Life is Improved by Him

1 Corinthians 1:5 That in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge.

3. The Testimony of Christ

1Corinthians 1:6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you. 

4. The Coming of Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 1:7b Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:

5. Sustaining Us ‘Till the End

1 Corinthians 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

6. Because He is Faithful 

1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord. 

No matter what place you find yourself in, what circumstances you are facing, or how often you have been hurt by others, there is much to be thankful for! Keep your heart focused on Christ. Stay encouraged. God is faithful. 

Pastoral Transitions

Pastoral Transitions

Pastoral transitions may be one of the most difficult events in the life of a church as well as the pastors involved. More times than I can count I have received a call from a pastor asking for advice on how to properly transition into a new pastorate. What are the pitfalls? What should be considered, and what should be avoided?

There are many different scenarios. A pastor dies and the church is seeking a new pastor. A pastor quits or is fired and the church is left to navigate through the process of finding a new pastor to lead them. The one that I write about in this blog is an older pastor who seeks to retire and bring in his replacement. He takes it on as his personal responsibility to ensure he finds the “right” man, and helps by overseeing this process. In some cases, this may work, but in many cases, this has proven to be a very difficult road for all involved to walk. Far too often it doesn’t end well. The church is hurt, the retiring pastor is hurt, or the new pastor coming in is hurt, but worst of all, the work of the Lord is hurt. So, with so many older pastors retiring and the need for younger pastors to fill these positions, how can we minimize the hurt that is so often caused during these transitions? 

1. No backroom deals. In too many cases the older pastor is planning for his departure but the church leadership and the church don’t know this is happening. The pastor has formulated a timeline in his mind and begins to look for a young man that he can mentor and train to fill his shoes. If I have heard this scenario once, I have heard it a hundred times. A pastor approached a younger man and shared his desire to pass the church on to him. They begin to plan and pray and set timelines. The problem with this scenario is that no one else is invited into the decision making. It is a private deal that is made and it has all of the makings for a potential problem if things begin to go south in the near future. If plans are being made and families and church members are going to be affected, then it needs to be upfront and all leadership and the church should be made aware of what has been discussed before any decisions are formulated. 

2. Be sure that what is discussed is documented and clearly communicated to the church leadership. If a family is moving to a new church with the intent to be the next pastor, the church leadership should be aware of this. The transition has a greater rate of success if multiple people are on the same page and aware of the details. There is nothing wrong with putting all communication in writing and having all parties involved sign. It is so that there is no confusion. Accountability is always the best course of action when moving forward. In most churches, a pastor cannot guarantee a position to a young man coming in, the church must vote on this. The product of including the church leadership in the details of what is being discussed is trust and transparency. If trust and transparency are established during the transition time, a new pastor has a better chance of leading this church. If things are in writing and everyone has agreed to this in the beginning, there is a better chance to reconcile disagreements in the future when they come. Yes, they will come. They always do, and well documented communication helps when navigating through those times. It’s a reminder of what was agreed on and a great resource to get people back on track during difficult transitions.

3.  Have the church vote on everything before the new pastor comes. This is the most important thing in my mind. Many guys come on a “promise.” The retiring pastor says “I want to transition out, retire in the next year to 18 months. I would like you to come in as my assistant and you will start to phase in and I will start to phase out.” The new pastor moves his family and begins ministry. Once he gets there, he has big dreams and sets his goals. He has different ideas and different ways of doing things. Some of this is just generational differences. What he sees as old and outdated, the pastor sees as his life work. He has invested years into what this new guy wants to come and change overnight. The two men realize they think differently in areas. They have different views of how the church should move forward and the pastor has second thoughts about resigning. He thinks he may need to stay a little longer than agreed upon, or worst-case scenario, he has the dreaded sit down with this young, eager, make-changes-too-quick guy. “This isn’t working out; you’ve got to go!” 

How can we avoid this? Have the new pastor coming in candidate just like a new pastor would. Bring him in to preach on several occasions. Have him meet with the pulpit committee. Vet him just like you would if you were without a pastor and searching for a new one. Present him to the church and have the church vote on him as their new pastor, instead of him coming in as a pastor. He then comes in with everyone expecting him to lead and make changes. The church in their vote also determines the timeline, and votes on that at the same time for the retiring pastor. It is all clear who was voted in, and all parties are on the same page. The new pastor coming in starts day one caring for and loving the people. The retiring pastor can enjoy his last agreed upon months mentoring and giving mature guidance. There is an end date in sight that has already been determined. When that day arrives, the church can celebrate and transition well into the next chapter of ministry. In most cases, not all, but most of the retiring pastors move on, saying goodbye to the church the Lord allowed them to pastor and allow the new pastor to lead under the authority and direction of Jesus Christ. It is best, most of the time, for the retiring pastor to not be around. It’s hard to say goodbye, but it is necessary so that the church can move forward without interference. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. If you are a pastor going through this type of ministry transition, I’d love to talk with you and help you in this process.

What Age Group Makes for the Best Mentor

What Age Group Makes for the Best Mentor

Everyone wants one, some desire to be one, few have it all figured out… A mentor! I hear a lot of discussion and read a lot of articles about mentorship. My first statement in this post describes me. I would think every leader has had a thought and even a conversation about this topic. As I am navigating through the pastorate here in my mid-forties, I find myself considering this subject often. I have been influenced to think that mentors are older, more successful, and more seasoned than you are, that these are the leaders that you need in your life if you desire to be successful in your calling and occupation. I agree, older mentors are valuable, but as I sit here in my mid-forties, I have a thought I would like to share with you on the subject of mentors. 

Mentors can be younger than you. 

Recently, I heard a pastor in his sixties say he was at a Bible conference and a pastor in his thirties preached on faithfulness. He admitted that as this young pastor began to preach on this subject, his thought was “What do you know about faithfulness? You’re only thirty. What have you been through in your ‘life’?” I cringed when I heard that. I was saddened that this older man viewed younger leaders that way. Although some leaders lack in life experience and “time,” it doesn’t mean they ought to be dismissed. Younger leaders bring great perspective to situations. They allow us to understand how a different generation thinks. They can help us communicate our message so others can understand what we are saying. They bring hope, enthusiasm, zeal, and passions that only youthfulness can provide. I believe in my own experience I have learned so much and have been helped so greatly by younger men in the ministry. The wise, seasoned, and older Apostle Paul encouraged a younger Timothy not to be discouraged by those that would look down upon Timothy’s age in leadership. He commanded Timothy to be an example, yes, even at his age, in his conversation, his testimony, how he dealt with others, in his Christian walk, and his morals. The elder Apostle Paul challenged younger Timothy to be a mentor or example for others to follow. 

1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

Mentors can be your age.

Mentors are encouragers, ones that help you along your path of life. They keep you balanced. Leaders ought to act their age. It’s OK. I’ve seen young men model older men; they walk like them, talk like them, and behave 30 years older than they are. They may assume that doing this will bring influence, respect, and honor. It really only makes others look at you and wonder why you’re acting like an old man. I think in the previous Bible text I used, Paul was telling Timothy it is OK to be yourself. I’ve seen it in reverse as well. Leaders trying to act younger thinking this will help them relate better. Just be you and be comfortable with your age. In the Old Testament, David and Jonathan were contemporaries. David was helped by Jonathan, someone his own age. I have many friends that are my age that I look up to. I want to learn from their life. I respect them and feel challenged by them to live for the Lord and to grow in my walk with Christ.

Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

Mentors can be older.

Never dismiss a person because they are older. Some may feel there are too many years between them. Older doesn’t mean out of touch, or irrelevant. I have an older pastor that is one of my most influential mentors. There are some generational differences. We don’t see eye to eye on every ministry/church philosophy. This relationship has helped me to be who I am today though. He has been down the road. He knows the pitfalls; he understands life, people, and principles that never change.  I learn from him. I take all of the good and I don’t concentrate on the generational differences. I respect him and cherish my time with him. He has helped me in my marriage and has pointed things out to me in my parenting. The elder Apostle John said of Gaius in 3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

Mentors in your life can come from all age groups. This is healthy for you and can keep you balanced as you lead.